Responsibilities and Activities
The Croatian Insurance Bureau was established in 1992 as the national Green Card Bureau of the Republic of Croatia.
The responsibilities of the Croatian Insurance Bureau have expanded considerably in the past two decades and today comprise, as specified in the Insurance Act, the Compulsory Traffic Insurance Act and the Statutes of the Croatian Insurance Bureau, carrying out activities of:
- the Association of Insurance Companies having their head offices in the Republic of Croatia;
- the National Green Card Bureau and other activities envisaged under international agreements on insurance against third-party liability of motor vehicle owners;
- the Guarantee Fund;
- the Information Centre;
- the Compensation Body.
as well as activities relating to
- Motor Vehicle Liability Frontier Insurance;
- the representation of Croatian insurance companies in international organisations (Insurance Europe, Council of Bureaux, IUMI);
- the resolvement of complaints (Insurance Ombudsman);
- the out-of-court settlement of disputes (Mediation Centre);
- other activities in the common and mutual interest of the insurance industry;
- providing professional educational programmes accross all insurance lines (Insurance Education Centre);
- Croatian insurance market statistics;
Green Card for UA registered vehicles of Ukrainian refugees in Croatia - Iнформація для водіїв транспортних засобів UA
The Ukrainian Motor Insurance Bureau MTIBU informed us that the Bureau and Ukrainian Insurers are still operational До уваги водіїв транспортних засобів, зареєстрованих в Україні, які перебувають за кордоном / Новини МТСБУ / Прес-центр / МТСБУ ( Ukrainian refugees in Croatia are advised to contact their motor insurer in UA who may send the Green Card for the UA registered car by e-mail in PDF format.
Information for drivers of UA registered vehicles Iнформація для водіїв транспортних засобів UA